International Commerce and Information Review
한국통상정보학회 (Korea Association for International Commerce and Information)
- 연간
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- 2005-5900(pISSN)
- 경제/경영 > 국제경제
This study extends the previous research into the effects of knowledge spillovers on innovation and regional exports growth by more clearly distinguishing, both theoretically and empirically, two different types of knowledge spillovers, namely product and market knowledge spillovers. More importantly, this research provides insights on their role of knowledge spillovers in shaping regional innovative activities and, eventually, regional export growths. Furthermore, this research makes an important contribution to the understudied market knowledge spillovers by developing two variables that could be used to assess the flow of market knowledge spillovers at the regional level: localization economies and export consulting advice. Using secondary data on eight 2-digit manufacturing industries in ten New Zealand regions over a seven year period, this research found that regional competition, localization economies and the availability of export consulting advice have positively and significantly impact on the regional export growth in New Zealand.
With the rapid growth of e-logistics in the global logistics industry, it is important to gain further insight into this growing segment of Chinese logistics industry. The current situation in China consists of many small and medium-sized logistics firms. Furthermore, e-logistics is still relatively undeveloped in the majority of the Chinese logistics companies and presently there are still many problems unresolved. This paper attempted to review the concepts and theoretical background of e-logistics systems from previous studies. After acknowledging the essential issues related to e-logistics systems, a research model based on the theory acceptance model was designed and tested. The key factors to the e-logistics system (reliability, maintainability, software, facility and transportation) were validated through the modeling and testing process. Included in the modelling and testing process are other related factors of e-logistics process, logistics information system and added value as dependent variables in this model. The results of this study confirm that the e-logistics Process is affected by transportation, while maintainability and software factors influence logistics information system. reliability, maintainability, facility and transportation are significant factors associated with added value. This research aimed to provide theoretical and practical contribution to Chinese logistics companies and to give some insights into e-logistics system as a whole. The paper also provided some useful theoretical implication and practical guidelines for the development of e-logistics system in the chinese logistics industry.
In 2003, the Uniform Commercial Code(UCC) which is a kind of model law to unify commercial law between several states in US was amended to use electronic document of title including bill of lading. It is the second following the Australia legislation in 1996. Also, the Korean government amended Commercial Act and made the Presidential Decree for using electronic bill of lading in 2008. In this paper the authors reveal the characteristics of the clause of UCC for electronic bill of lading. The characteristics of the clause are on the technical neutrality of the signature, the possibility of reissuance in alternative medium, and adoption of the concept of "control." It helps to suggest some implications for Korean government authority. The authors suggest the amendment of the Presidential Decree to the Korean government authority to use additionally digital signature authorized by non Korean government such as VeriSign. It will activate the use of electronic bill of lading issued by Korea repositary out of Korea.
In the past, trades with the Latin American markets were not active since the South Korean companies simply considered them substitute markets whenever exports were slow. However, the importance of these markets is highlighted anew thanks to the signing of the Korea-Chile Free Trade Agreement (FTA). Presently, Latin American nations are pursuing FTA with various nations in the world, regardless of the geographic boundaries, in order to vitalize their economy and attract foreign capital. Despite these efforts to liberalize the market, Latin American regions continue to restrict importation by leveraging diverse set of trade regulation policies. This research examines trade regulation policies in the Latin American regions and proposes Korea's countermeasures.
This paper attempts to provide a way to improvement in trade & commerce between Korea and Russia, analyzing the influence of the circumstances of the Russian economy on economic relations between the two countries. The study briefly reviews the current situation of the Russian economy, and tries to examine the strong points to be considered as leverage for cooperation and the weak points to be overcome. Previous studies have determined that the Russian economy has unlimited potential for growth, because it is endowed with abundant resources, and has a government willing to reform for the opening of the economy, as well as high-quality labor. However, the economic structure is vulnerable to impact of the worldwide financial crisis. It is not possible to overlook its institutional fragility and vulnerability such as a corrupt bureaucracy or a relatively large black market. These undesirable factors may not only undermine the basis of Russia economy but also a hindrance to economic cooperation by increasing economic uncertainty. This paper attempts to analyze comprehensively the socio-economic factors that influence the open-economy of Russia, and to illustrate strategies for improvement in trade and commerce through the viewpoint of Korean firms that are already in business or are trying to enter in the near future. Some measures to improve their economic cooperation are suggested at the end.