Purpose : This study was conducted to identify the peritonitis occurence of CAPD, by which a basis for efficient patient management could be provided. Method: Data were collected by questionnaires and hospital record from 55 people who underwent or were going through CAPD from January 1998 to April 2004 in a university subsidiary hospital kidney department. Result: 1) There were many elderly people of 61 years or above taking up 50.9%, 75% had low levels of education with middle school graduation or less, and the cases where separate individual rooms enabling the exchange of CAPD were not possessed was shown to be 61.8%. 2) With the management feature of CAPD, those who bathed once or less per 7 days made up 60.0%, and 60% washed their hands well before exchanging solutions which meant that 40% did not wash well or just washed moderately, and in terms of CAPD education, the proportion of those receiving education both before and after dialysis was 29.1%. also, with nutrition conditions, cases where the level of serum albumin was lower than 3.0 made up 38.2%, and those who were conducting self CAPD management was 65.5%, and cases where the management was done by the spouse or family members was revealed to be 34.5%. 3) There were Peritonitis occurrences in 40% of cases, and the number of Peritonitis occurrences within the period was 36, with an occurrence rate of $0.65{\pm}0.99$. Also, 66.7% of the causing bacteria were no growth, Gram positive bacteria made up 27.8%, and Gram negative bacteria consisted of 5.5%. 4) No significant difference was found peritionitis occurrence according to general and management characteristics. Lower peritionitis occurrence were shown with those who had spouses or family members conducting CAPD management as opposed to self-managing patients(p=0.037). Conclusion: Elderly patients there needs to be the participation of family or other support resources rather than subjecting them to self-management of solution exchange and entry/exit. Also, The high occurrence rate from Gram positive bacteria is shown so the importance of CAPD management education including bathing and hand washing needs to be emphasized.