Dioxin-like compounds are ubiquitous environmental polltants that could be accumulated in biological system and toxic to human and wildlife. Given this issue, it is important to develop a reliable dioxin detection methods for a rational risk assesment of dioxin-like compounds. In this study, we tried to set up and validate a sensitive, reliable risk assessment of dioxin-like compounds. In this study, we tried to set up and validate a sensitive, reliable and rapid bioassay model, CALUX bioassay as a screening tool for routine measurement of dioxin-like conpounds in environmental matrices. For the valisation of CALUX bioassay, firstly, we performed dose-response assay for 2,3,7,8-TCDD, most potent dioxin-like compound, using two different methods CALUX and EROD assay. Induction of luciferase activity and CYPIA catalyzed EROD activity were dose-dependently induced by 2,3,7,8-TCDD, with initial induction at 0.1 pM and maximal induction at 1 nM. In order t determine whether the CALUX bioassay could predict the effects of dioxin-like compounds, 2,3,7,8-TCDD dose-response from CALUX was compared with that from EROD assay. The correlation coefficient ($r^2$) was found to be 0.89, indicating a good correlation between two different methods and the possibility of CALUX bioassay as a useful dioxin detecting method.