안보군사학연구 (Journal of National Security and Military Science) (Journal of National Security and Military Science)
대전대학교 안보군사연구원 (Institute for National Security and Military Affairs)
- 반년간
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- 2713-704X(pISSN)
- 사회/인류/복지/여성 > 사회제도
Today, the times of knowledge-intelligence made changes of the ordinary life of citizens society, and also changed greatly the circumstance of leadership in the military. The times of knowledge-intelligence changed the circumstances of national security and the features of warfares, and also make affecting decisively to senses and style of new who were servicing in the military. In order to response effectively against the changes of those leadership circumstances, senior level leadership should be understand in depth human psychology and battlefield circumstances in the dimension of policies and strategies, and should be executed their leadership. In this thesis, I reviewed the concept and vision of senior level leadership theories and cases about traits and roles In addition, I suggested development options for senior level leadership such as (1) high charactenstics and professionalism, (2)educational center of military for advanced democratic citizen and leadership, (3)execution of leadership in psychological leadership, (4)development of leadership needed in the battlefield Finally, the current military senior level leadership should be changed from one-side and authority style to the change-orientated style, which could believe and participate by themselves.
This paper seeks to search for wisdoms that may be applied to modern leadership through Tasan Jeong Yakyong's ideology, ShilHak, from the Chosun Dynasty. The present period is referred as the period of transformation and innovation or the period of knowledge information The leadership appropriate for the current period is thus called revolutionary leadership. This leadership accomplishes its goals by influencing the constituent's values, ethics, behavioral norms, and visions based on the leader's moral values, knowledge, and information. Thus, the essence of this paper is in acquiring wisdoms of leadership by company revolutionary leadership with Tasan's life. Tasan pursued change and innovation in a time where Chosun was in a state of decay by following the flow of world powers towards the concept of studying truth based upon facts such as changing the system of thought, reforming legislation, and developing technology. Moreover, he gave courage and hope to the people by demonstrating such leadership in practice. In addition, despite false accusations and spending 18 years in exile, he showed revolutionary life as an active intellectual by leaving 542 volumes of writing through his 'value innovation' that he "pursue things only for the people and the state." Consequently, the paper first deals with what kind of leadership is required for a leader in the position of a general and examines the kind of leadership capacity demanded. Subsequently, Tasan 's revolutionary life and hints of leadership messages in MokMinSimSuh are examined. Thus, this paper is centered upon the leadership of generals regarding how MokMinShimSuh may be applicable to modern leadership.
This study is to develop digital leadership in a field of national defense. Today, korean society is facing the crisis of national security. But national defense leadership is not show in the circumstance of national security crisis. As you know, national defense leadership is a process that make use of influence. Which means it converges people's interest and demands well and also show people the right vision of national defense and make them to comply the policy about national security. Because of the environmental change, our national defense leadership is having a new turning point. First, international order, which is under post-cold war, raises possibility of guarantee of peace and security in international society but also, cause the increase of multiple uncertainty and small size troubles in security circumstance. In addition, Korean society is rushing into democratization and localization period by success in peaceful change of political power went through about three times. The issue of political neutralization of military is stepping into settlement but still, negative inheritance of old military regime is worrying about it. In this situation, we can't expect rise in estimation about the importance of security and military's reason for being. So, military have to give their concern to not only internal maintenance of order and control and growth of soldiers but also developing external leadership to strength influence to society and military's the reason for being. So for these alternative I'm suggesting a digital leadership of national defense which fits digital era. This digital leadership is the leadership which can accept and understand digital technology and lead the digital organization. To construct digital national defense we need a practical leadership. The leadership has to be digital leadership with digital competence that can direct vision of digital national defense and carry out the policy. A leader who ha s digital leadership can lead the digital society. The ultimate key to construct digital government, digital corporate and digital citizen depends on digital leader with digital mind. To be more specific, digital leadership has network leadership, next generation leadership, knowledge driven management leadership, innovation oriented leadership. A leader with this kind of leadership is the real person with digital leadership. From now on, to rise this, we have to build up human resource development strategy and develop educational training program.
Now it is not useful the theory about civil-military relationship that have been analysed for power games between military and civilians Korean society is going on governance society managed by cooperating network of government, civilian society and business market These social change require for new context about civil-Military relationship. Military leadership must contribute desirable civil-military relationship This study will suggest the direction about military leadership for desirable civil-military relationship. Now political issues about military intervention to the government are almost settled, but the worry about complications between military and civilians exist in the part of low issues like policy-making. Another important issues is military leadership about the style of social-being. In recent years, social change is very complex and speedy like global networking and diversity, leadership environment also, changed like leadership paradigm shift. Military leadership must be examined from the principle to the context of social integration At the present age, individual soldier is citizen in uniformed. Also military leadership must to seek the principle in the citizen mind like citizenship. Another charactristics of present day military is influence of high technogy. For the high-tech war military need the transition about science and technology from the whole society. In the context of above the development of military leadership are suggested as follows. First, the development of military control leadership must besought to the context of cooperation between government and military. Government must provide the system to strengthen military professionals in the process of policy-making about national security Second, military leadership must embody the important social values through the advanced military making, Third, military leadership must provide the adaptability to the society through the military education of their soldiers Forth, military leadership must be contributed to the social integration and to the growing up individual soldiers like their socialization and their achievement. Five, an important subject of military leadership is the creation of desirable military culture through the harmony of social culture and military culture.
The kinds of traits and behaviors studied most frequently in the early leadership research included physical characteristics, personalities, abilities, skills, behaviors and so forth. Researchers who studied leadership emphasized the important role of cultural, counter-insurgent, stability operational and clinical leadership traits and behaviors to perform the special mission of Overseas Forces The purpose of this study was to examine effective leadership traits, behaviors and skills for special mission of ROK Overseas Forces and to find out the differences on leadership traits, skills and behaviors among officers, noncommissioned officers(NCO) and enlisted men of the army. In order to achieve this purpose, a number of literature reviews and survey researches were conducted. The data for the analysis were collected through the questionnaire which consisted of 94leadership traits, skills and behaviors items Subjects were composed of 43 officers, 144 NCOs and 109 enlisted men Although the ranking order of leadership traits, skills and behaviors items among the groups for each analysis did not show much difference, the results of one-way analysis of variance revealed that a few items had a significant statistical difference among the groups. Implications of comparative results were also discussed in this study. In conclusion, this study would be useful basis for further improvement on effective leadership traits, skills and behaviors of ROK Overseas Forces, and some further researches were recommended.
King Taejo, Wang Gun had succeeded in bringing order out of chaos of the Later Three Kingdoms and establishing a new unified dynasty, Koryo. Why can he gain the victory against the king of Later Baekje, GyunHwon? What is the his leadership? These are his leadership. (1) He had the peserverance. in 927 Wang Gun had broken by Gyun Hwon's army at Gong San. Nevertheless He didn't dissapoint and trained troops for battle steadily. Therefore in 930 he gained a great victory against Gyun Hwon at An Dong. (2) He use the command rights justically. (3)His soldiers are obedient to his orders involuntarily. (4) He always cooperateed with other’s commanders. (5)He efforted to gain victory without battle. (6)He had a high and great plan. (7) He took advantage of land configuration. (8) He made the enemy to fall into internal disarray. With these leadership, Wang Gun unified Later Three Kingdoms. Regarding himself as the success or to Goguryo, he pursued a policy of expansion to the north. Therefore he extended his borders to Chongchon River. At the same time he broke the chains of the bone-rank system which had shackled Shil1a's society.
16th CPC National Party Congress established multi-polarization strategy as an external strategy, and 'The Great Reinvigoration of Chinese Nation' as the aim of The Great Strategy of China. It is required to maintain stabilized and peaceful surrounding circumstance in order to make it possible. The ideal surrounding circumstance that China is aiming for is to achieve multi-polarization of international society while maintaining strategic deterrence. Multi-polarization now in 'One super Multi powers' is that 'Multi powers' deter 'One super' to prevent predominance of USA and to decentralize the power. China wishes to realign international order as it accomplishes multi-polarization. China who wants 'Peace and Stabilization' emphasizes autonomy, peace and unification of Korean peninsula. Autonomy means the restraint intervention of foreign power, that is, American influence in Korean peninsula. Multi-polarization strategy of China will be used in Korean peninsula to solve nuclear issue of North Korea, to support neutral unification and to keep balance of power with USA, Japan and Russia as it renders economic advantages to South Korea and security engagement to North Korea, based on special geographical, cultural and historical relationship with two Koreas. The nuclear issue of North Korea will be a stage to test multi-polarization of China. When it deduces positive solution of nuclear issue due to successful six-party talks, and advances to security talks of Northeast Asia, it will contribute a lot to power and elevation of national stature of China in international society. Thus, the Chinese strategy will be an accommodative condition for the security of South Korea, and it requires wise decision of South Korea to make hay while the sun shine.
The world has been rapidly restructured in an agenda of national security from center of military strength to that of economic strength since the post cold-war era China military leadership-division carried out RMA through learning of a lesson from Gulf war in 1990 -1991 and Iraq war in 2003, thus the leadership-division made an attempt to convert the military system to a technical intensive system. The principle based on RMA of China military is (National defense strategy) drafted by the central military committee 1985 and (Four modernization general principles) 1978. China has introduced Russian high-technological arms and equipment in order to build up the military arms greatly thanks to an economical development, and they take pragmatism line as chinese socialism with their strategy to make secure a position as military powers such as they successfully launched a manned spacecraft and are building an air-craft carrie and soon. USA has a theory of dichotomy whether a country is a cooperator for USA, or not. and also enemy or friend since 9.11terror, thus USA is different from their direction of police. This is because USA stands a position as the superpower of the supremacy hegemony of the world. We must be carefully aware that USA considers as important area for Middle east, West south Asia, Central Asia and Northwest Asia to meet the demands of 2lcentury. Accordingly, the focus of USA's military strategy will be probably concentrated at the above mentioned four areas. On the other hand, USA enjoys such a superpower position due to collapse of USSR which was the past main enemy since the post cold war era. We could give an conclusive example as fact that USA has recurred to unilateralism But USA carry on the military operations to the terror groups at global around by converting thje military strike strategy to pre-emptive strike strategy since9.11 terror, 2001. USA seeks for transformation to the mobile military forces with light-quantity oriented in order to carry on such the military operations and makes progress GPR, And the USA forces in Korea makes progress a military renovation as part of such a military strategy. On the other hand, USA promotes the measures of choose for the countries standing at the crossroads of strategy and carries forward a main scheme of provision for four priority aims that the leaders of a hostile country and mis-country shall be prohibited from use and obtainment of weapons of mass destruction. Accordingly, this treatise found out a significant meaning to have an effect on the national security in the korean peninsula.
Former ministers of national defense and foreign affairs, intellectuals such as former and incumbent professors, and various NGO groups are demanding the South Korean government to stop promoting independence in operational control which is currently held by the United States Armed Forces in Korea commander. Although the Korea should exercise operational control independently in the future, orientation on the direction which should be taken under consideration in promoting this transfer should be assumed. First of all, South Korea must sufficiently examine the criticisms and dissenting opinions, and reflect them in promoting independence in operational control. From now on, the South Korean government should reflect the opinions of experts in operational control, and must promote the transfer with national consensus. Unilateral enforcement of the transfer may cause serious errors and aggravate conflicts Second, ROKA's exercise of independence in operational control should take place only after gaining restraint on North Korea's attack against the South, and the issues on nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction(WMD) has been resolved, and a peace regime has been reached. Furthermore, exercise of independence in wartime operational control should be promoted only if there is a guarantee that international trust and the military collaboration will be restored to a level beyond the present state. Third, the USFK and the Korean-US alliance is providing South Korea with national security, not to mention tremendous diplomatical, and economical benefits However, if the alliance between the two countries become weakened due to the exercise of the independence in operational control, we might suffer a great deal of loss. Even though reasonable justification and external independence may be gained through promoting independence in operational control, it should be promoted in a longitudinal manner because national security problems and conflicts may be intensified, and there is no actual profit in doing so. Fourth, if the Korean-US alliance becomes weakened and therefore the United States decides to discuss eastern-asia strategies, North Korea deterrence strategies, and Japanese rearmament issues with other neighboring countries, South Korea may become diplomatically isolated and a subordinate to surrounding countries, destroying the independence we have now instead of restoring it Therefore searching for means to reinforce international trust and collaboration between South Korea and the United States, and leaving ROKA’s independence in operational control as a long term objective would be a more realistic method.
In present, advanced countries in the world are seen concentring on Military Transformation to create new military capability as there is a shift in Warfare Paradigm. Rapid development of technology enables military system, operational concept and organization innovated. As a result, Revolution in Military Affairs(RMA) that dramatically increased warfighting capability is pursued. Especially, advanced information technology constructs system of systems with abilities of battle visualization, information sharing in battlefield, long-range strike capability that are interoperable and combined. Corresponding to this, engagement methods and organizations are being progressively developed. The purpose of this thesis is overview of newly developing Warfare Paradigm and analysis of tendency of Military Transformation that advanced countries are pursuing preparation to this. Above all, specific aspects and contents of the Warfare Paradigm which emerged by information age were summarized. Subsequently, Military Transformation which provides the basic concepts and principles to the advanced countries in the world for the creation of new military capability was discussed. In conclusion, the tendency of Military Transformation by U.S.A, Japan, China, and Russia surround the Korean peninsular as the major power in military was carefully observed.
In this paper, we introduce the operational management architecture on the military satellite communication of United States and analyze the current problems of Korea military. We discuss on the development scheme and the idea of construction to manage and to operate the next military satellite communication stabilitly.