This study aims to investigate the research trend of elementary environmental education. Thus, author keywords were extracted from a total of 197 academic these related to elementary environmental education during two different periods when detailed goals were applied to the 2007 and 2009 revised curriculums respectively, and then this study analyzed the network of author keywords. The results of this study can be summarized as below. Firstly, as a result of analyzing the frequency of author keywords from academic theses related to elementary environmental education, this study discovered 369 author keywords from the period when detailed goals were applied to 2009 revised curriculum. Out of them, it was found that the keyword, 'climate change education', showed the highest frequency, followed by 'environmental literacy' and 'environmental perception', except such central keywords as 'environmental education' and 'elementary school student'. From the period when detailed goals were applied to the 2007 revised curriculum, a total of 394 author keywords were discovered, and the keyword, 'environmental literacy', showed the highest frequency, followed by 'environmental perception' and 'ESD (education for sustainable development)'. Secondly, as a result of analyzing the network of author keywords, this study found out that in the total number of network connections, average connection degree, density and clique, the period when detailed goals were applied to the 2007 revised curriculum was somewhat higher than the period when detailed goals were applied to the 2009 revised curriculum. As a result of analyzing the centrality of author keywords, this study found out that during both the periods, 'environmental perception' and 'environmental literacy' were high in degree centrality and betweenness centrality, except such central keywords as 'environmental education' and 'elementary school student'. As a result of analyzing the components of author keywords as sub-networks, this study discovered 9 components from the period when detailed goals were applied to the 2009 revised curriculum and 6 components from the period when detailed goals were applied to the 2007 revised curriculum. During both the periods, the largest component was composed of keywords high in degree centrality and betweenness centrality.