한국방사성폐기물학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the Korean Radioactive Waste Society Conference) (Proceedings of the Korean Radioactive Waste Society Conference)
한국방사성폐기물학회 (Korean Radioactive Waste Society)
- 반년간
- 원자력 > 핵연료주기/방사성폐기물 관리 기술
한국방사성폐기물학회 2019년도 춘계학술논문요약집
Kim, Jeong-Guk;Jang, Won Hyuk;Yoo, MalGoBalGaeBitNaLa;Choi, Yujeong;Kim, Jongjin;Chang, Seeun;Park, Hee-Seoung;Hong, Dae-Seok 41
Cho, Sang Soon;Yang, Yun Young;Lim, Jaehoon;Seo, Ki-Seog;Choi, Woo-Seok;Lee, Sang-Hwan;Shin, Chang-Min;Baeg, Chang-Yeal 57
The distillation of liquid cathode is necessary to separate cadmium from the actinide elements in the pyroprocessing since the actinide deposits are dissolved or precipitated in a liquid cathode. It is very important to avoid a splattering of cadmium during evaporation due to the high vapor pressure. Several methods have been proposed to lower the splattering of cadmium during distillation. One of the important methods is an installation of crucible cover on the distillation crucible. A multi-layer porous round cover was proposed to avoid a cadmium splattering in our previous study. In this study, the effect of crucible cover on the cadmium distillation was examined to develop a splatter shield. Various surrogates were used for the actinides in the cadmium. The surrogates such as bismuth, zirconia, and tungsten don't evaporate at the operational temperature of the Cd distiller due to their low vapor pressures. The distillation experiments were carried out in a crucible equipped with cover and in a crucible without cover. About 40 grams of Cd was distilled at a reduced pressure for two hours at various temperatures. The mixture of the cadmium and the surrogate was heated at
$470{\sim}620^{\circ}C$ . Most of the bismuth remained in the crucible equipped with cover after distillation under$580^{\circ}C$ for two hours, whereas small amount of bismuth decreased in the crucible without cover above$580^{\circ}C$ . The liquid bismuth escaped with liquid cadmium drop from the crucible without cover. It seems that the crucible cover played a role to prevent the splash of the liquid cadmium drop. The effect of the cover was not clear for the tungsten or zirconia surrogate since the surrogates remained as a solid powder at the experimental temperature. From the results of this work, it can be concluded that the crucible cover can be used to minimize the deposit loss by prevention of escape of liquid drop from the crucible during distillation of liquid cathode. -
You, Gilsung;Seo, Seokjun;Jo, Woojin;Noh, Siwan;Lee, Hyojik;Lee, Hohee;Yu, Seungnam;Ku, Jeonghoe 82
Lee, Ki Rak;Park, Hwan-Seo;Choi, Jung-Hoon;Han, Seung Youb;Kang, Hyun Woo;Eun, Daegwon;Jung, Seona 112
Choi, Woo-Seok;Cho, Sang soon;Yoo, Seung-hwan;Lim, Jongmin;Lee, Ju-chan;Seo, Ki-seog;Bang, Kyong-Sik;Yang, Yun-young;Jung, Gileon;Lim, Jaehoon 132
Jo, Yongheum;Chang, Naon;Park, Sangsu;Byun, HyungJin;Boo, JiHwan;Lee, Wonjae;Lee, Jiwoo;Lee, Hyunseok;Joo, Han Young;Han, Sol-Chan;Kim, Chang-Lak 165
Chang, Naon;Jo, Yongheum;Park, Sangsu;Byun, HyungJin;Boo, JiHwan;Lee, Wonjae;Lee, Jiwoo;Lee, Hyunseok;Joo, Han Young;Han, Sol-Chan;Kim, Chang-Lak 169
We fabricated three
$AgI-Ag_2O-B_2O_3$ glasses with different compositions. As a result, two specimens appeared in amorphous phases and one in a crystalline phase. The prepared glasses in this study are considered as one candidate of immobilizing matrices for$^{129}I$ . -
Seo, Jun-Ho;Nam, Junseok;Yang, In-Mok;Choi, Min-Gyu;Lee, Mi-Yeon;Kim, Hyo-Jeong;Lee, Ho-Sang;Yang, Shi-Young 243
Kim, Daehyeon;Cheong, Jae Hak;Hahm, Inhye;Koo, Daeseo;Jeong, Kwanseong;Ha, Jaehyun;Park, Seungkook;Hong, Sangbum;Seo, Bum Kyoung 253
Shin, Jae Sung;Oh, Seong Yong;Park, Hyunmin;Lim, Gwon;Kim, Taek-Soo;Lee, Lim;Chung, Chin-Man;Lee, Jonghwan 267
Park, ByeongMok;Lee, JeongMi;Cha, AhRan;Park, CheolWan;Jun, Sang Hwan;Jung, DoYeong;Park, JaeSeok 279
Kim, Ki-Chul;Seo, Bum-Chul;Yoon, Sun-sik;Cha, Jung-Yeop;Kim, Nam-Kyun;Joo, Kwang-Hee;Kwon, Do-Yong;Kim, Dong-Yeon;Kim, Keun-Woo;Park, Ju-Hyeon 281
Oh, Seong Y.;Shin, Jae Sung;Kim, Taek Soo;Park, Hyunmin;Lee, Lim;Chung, Chin-Man;Lee, Jonghwan 285
Park, Yoon-Ji;Lee, Hyun-Kyu;Lee, Sae-Binna;Oh, Wonzin;Choi, Sang-June;Kim, Hak-Soo;Kim, Cho-Rong;Kim, Ki-Chul 301
Jin, Hyung Gon;Lee, Dong Won;Yoon, Jae Sung;Kim, Suk Kwon;Lee, Eo Hwak;Park, Seong Dae;Shin, Chang Wook;Cho, Seungyon 307
Lee, Hyun-Kyu;Lee, Sae-Binna;Park, Yoon-Ji;Kim, Myo-Gwang;Oh, Wonzin;Choi, Sang-June;Park, Ju-Hyeon;Seo, Bum-Chul;Kim, Ki-Chul 317
Kim, Minsoo;Hong, Yongho;Park, Sooyeun;Park, Hyungmin;Kim, Heekyung;Lee, Taegyu;Jung, Youngseok;Choi, Eunseok 341
Shin, Kyung-Wook;Jeong, Jeong-Nam;Jeong, Yun-Soon;Lee, Dae-Woo;Chae, Gyung-Sun;Jang, Hee-Kon 357
Shin, Kyung-Wook;Min, Yoon-Ki;Choi, Young-Suk;Kim, Tae-Hwa;Chae, Gyung-Sun;Jang, and Hee-Kon 359
Jung, Euo Chang;Jo, Yongheum;Kim, Tae-Hyeong;Kim, Hee-Kyung;Cho, Hye-Ryun;Cha, Wansik;Baik, Min Hoon;Yun, Jong-Il 395