KBART 저널 목록 다운로드
해당 분류에 113종의 학술지가 있습니다.
Smart Structures and Systems
- 1738-1584
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- 2005.01.25 ~
- https://www.techno-press.org/?journal=sss&subpage=5
Steel and Composite Structures
- 1229-9367
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- 2001.03.25 ~
- http://www.techno-press.org/?journal=scs&subpage=8
Structural Engineering and Mechanics
- 1225-4568
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- 1993.10.25 ~
- http://www.techno-press.org/?journal=sem&subpage=8#
Structural Monitoring and Maintenance
- 2288-6605
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- 2014.03.25 ~
- http://www.techno-press.org/?journal=smm&subpage=7
Wind and Structures
- 1226-6116
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- 1998.03.25 ~
- http://www.techno-press.org/?journal=was
건설관리 Construction Engineering and Management
- 1229-7534
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- 2000.04.12 ~
- http://www.kicem.or.kr/html/sub08_01.jsp?purl=list1
건설안전기술 Journal of the Korea Construction Safety Engineering Association
- 1227-7681
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- 1991.12.01 ~