검역본부 질병 Bulletin - 국내 닭전염성빈형 백신 개발 현황

  • 송혜순 (농림축산검역본부 조류질병과)
  • Published : 2024.10.01




  1. Goryo, M., et al. (1985). Isolation of an agent inducing chicken anemia. Avian Pathol. 14, 483-496. https://doi.org/10.1080/03079458508436251
  2. Todd, D., Connor, T. J., Creelan, J. L., Borghmans, B. J., Calvert, V. M., and McNulty, M. S. (1998). Effect of multiple cell culture passages on the biological behaviourof chicken anaemiavirus, Avian Pathol. 27, 74-79. https://doi.org/10.1080/03079459808419277