메타버스 상호작용 기술 동향 및 발전 전망

Metaverse Interaction Technology Trends and Development Prospects

  • 백성민 (실감상호작용연구실) ;
  • 이용호 (실감상호작용연구실 ) ;
  • 김주영 (콘텐츠융합연구실 ) ;
  • 박상헌 (콘텐츠융합연구실 ) ;
  • 길연희 (실감상호작용연구실)
  • S.M. Baek ;
  • Y.H. Lee ;
  • J.Y. Kim ;
  • S.H. Park ;
  • Y.-H. Gil
  • 발행 : 2024.04.01


The Metaverse industry is developing rapidly, and related technologies are being actively improved. Tools such as controllers, keyboards, and mouses are used to interact in the Metaverse, but they are not natural and intuitive interfaces to resemble real-world interactions. Immersive interaction in a Metaverse space requires the engagement of various senses such as vision, touch, and proprioception. Moreover, in terms of body senses, it requires a sense of body ownership and agency. In addition, eliciting cognitive and emotional empathy based on non-verbal expression, which cannot be suitably conveyed to the digital world, requires higher-level technologies than existing emotion measurement solutions. This diversity of technologies can converge to build an immersive realistic Metaverse environment. We review the latest research trends in technologies related to immersive interactions and analyze future development prospects.



본 연구는 한국전자통신연구원 연구운영비지원사업(기본사업)의 일환으로 수행되었음[24ZC1200, 사용자 중심(Egocentric) 원격 교감 상호작용 핵심원천기술 개발].


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