O-RAN 공인시험 프로세스와 종단간 시험 기술 분석

O-RAN Certification/Badging Process and End-to-End Test Case Analysis

  • 김정환 (ICT시험연구센터) ;
  • 남기동 (ICT시험연구센터)
  • J.H. Kim ;
  • G.D. Nam
  • 발행 : 2024.02.01


The O-RAN Alliance is responsible for defining the technical and testing specifications of open radio access networks, aiming for openness, virtualization, and intelligence in these networks. Recently, the application of Korea Open Testing and Integration Center (OTIC) to this alliance has been approved, enabling the issuance of O-RAN certificates and badges. An OTIC plays a crucial role as a testing facility in performing conformance verification and interoperability tests for O-RAN functions and interfaces. In addition, it enables end-to-end system verification adhering to O-RAN principles and processes. These activities can substantially contribute to enhancing the competitiveness of domestic O-RAN products and activating the corresponding ecosystem. We comprehensively describe the O-RAN certification and badging processes. Additionally, we analyze end-to-end test cases that are essential for the proper deployment and operation of 5G systems including O-RANs.



이 논문은 2023년도 정부(과학기술정보통신부)의 재원으로 정보통신기획평가원의 지원을 받아 수행된 연구임[RS-2023-00229151, 5G 개방형 네트워크 산업생태계 기반 조성].


  1. O-RAN Alliance,
  2. O-RAN, Certification and Badging Processes and Procedures 7.0, 2023. 6.
  3. O-RAN, End-to-end Test Specification 4.0, 2022. 10.
  4. O-RAN, O-RAN Use Cases Detailed Specification 11.0, 2023. 6.