Factors Influencing Consumers' Stickiness Intention towards Online Community Group Buying Website: From the Social Capital Perspective

  • Li Zhang (Department of Business Administration, Yeungnam University) ;
  • Yong Ho Shin (Department of Business Administration, Yeungnam University)
  • Received : 2024.10.09
  • Accepted : 2024.10.19
  • Published : 2024.11.30


Currently, undergoing intense competition, it becomes a great challenge for the online community group buying (hereinafter referred to as OCGB) platforms to re-tend customers. Although researches have conducted on customers' purchase intention in the context of OCGB, there are limited studies on factors influencing customers' stickiness intention. This study develops a conceptual framework to clarify the factors influencing customers' stickiness intention towards OCGB platform by integrating TPB model, Trust Transfer Theory as well as social capital theory. A questionnaire is conducted and 502 valid samples are collected to testify the proposed conceptual model. It turns out that trust in members, trust in the website and perceived behavioral control are important influencing factors of stickiness intention. Furthermore, trust in website partially mediates the association between trust in members and stickiness intention. This research improves our understanding of the mechanisms of customers' embeddedness in the online group buying community.



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