Creating Phygital Cultural Heritage Experiences: Key Design Principles

  • 투고 : 2024.09.24
  • 심사 : 2024.11.05
  • 발행 : 2024.11.30


This study develops design principles for creating phygital (physical and digital) cultural heritage experiences, integrating advanced technologies such as VR/AR, digital twins, and interactive storytelling. Through thematic analysis of existing literature and validation via a professional survey, five key principles were identified: Human-Centered Design, Technological Integration, Narrative Fidelity, Cultural Sensitivity, and Sustainability. These principles offer a framework for preserving cultural authenticity while enhancing user engagement and accessibility. This study explores key challenges in integrating sustainability and cultural authenticity into phygital cultural heritage projects and provides cultural heritage professionals with flexible design strategies that leverage digital technologies to create immersive, educational, and culturally respectful experiences. These adaptable strategies ensure that projects remain viable, relevant, and capable of balancing innovation with preserving heritage integrity.



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