Public Diplomacy Research in Japanese Language: A Systematic Review of Patterns and Trends in Academic Literature from 2001 to 2022

  • Received : 2024.02.07
  • Accepted : 2024.05.17
  • Published : 2024.10.31


This study examines public diplomacy research in the Japanese language through a systematic review of academic literature. It reviews 149 Japanese academic articles to elucidate the trends, characteristics, and themes in the field. The research methodology primarily utilises descriptive statistics to analyse the article publication counts, author demographics and research productivity, the types of scholarly journals in which the articles are published, and the keywords in article titles including four different translations of public diplomacy. Content analysis of the titles of the identified articles is conducted, and the papers are categorised using Cull's taxonomy of public diplomacy (Cull, 2019). A supplementary survey is conducted on two journals, which contributed to building a theoretical framework of the related concepts in public diplomacy in the Japanese language. Key findings include a paradox in Japan's public diplomacy research. A growth in the number of publications and the breadth of the themes studied are revealed, but a lack of established journals and low productivity among the authors are observed at the same time. The study highlights the position of 'cultural diplomacy' in the public diplomacy research in the Japanese language and discusses the challenges of translation and definition, suggesting the need for further investigation. It argues that the discourse around public diplomacy in Japan has been influenced by previous studies in English, especially those from the U.S., suggesting the ambiguity of the original English term 'public diplomacy' and the U.S. dominance in the scholarship as a challenge to the advancement in Japanese literature. The meta-analysis of previous studies in a non-English literature diversifies the research perspectives and contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of public diplomacy as a whole.



This research was supported by the JST Next Generation Challenging Research Programme (JPMJSP2106).


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