Tracking nucleation characteristics of calcium aluminate cement powder via dynamic light scattering technique

  • Kim, Gwang Mok
  • 발행 : 2024.06.30


Nucleation characteristics can greatly affect the evolution of hydrates, and thereby strength development could be affected as well. This study aims to explore the nucleation characteristics of calcium aluminate cement powder. Dynamic light scattering technique was employed to track nuclei of calcium aluminate powder. The independent variable was the reaction periods which varied from 1 minute to 24 hrs. The test results show that a reduction in the particle size until 1 hr of reaction period was observed, which indicated that dissolution of calcium aluminate powder was the dominant reaction within the period. However, a change in the particle size distribution attributable to the nucleation process was also observed within the first 3 minutes of the reaction. an increase in the particle size attributable to the crystal growth was between 1hr and 24 hrs.



This work was supported by Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning(KETEP) grant funded by the Korea government(MOTIE)(20212010200080, In-situ carbonation technology development using CO2 emissions from cement industry).


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