A Study on the Importance of Software Quality-in-use for Educational Chatbot: Using the AHP Method

학습용 챗봇 소프트웨어 사용 품질 특성의 중요도 연구: AHP기법을 활용하여

  • 민윤정 (서울과학기술대학교 IT정책전문대학원 기술경영시스템전공) ;
  • 안재경 (서울과학기술대학교 IT정책전문대학원 산업정보시스템전공)
  • Received : 2024.07.16
  • Accepted : 2024.09.08
  • Published : 2024.10.31


Recent advancements in IT technology and infrastructure have led to the widespread application of AI chatbots across various fields, including education, where they have shown effectiveness in improving classroom focus and achievement [1][2]. This study analyzes the importance of quality-in-use for AI chatbots in elementary Korean language learning based on ISO/IEC 25000 Quality-in-use standards, aiming to provide quality evaluation criteria for future educational chatbot development. The research methodology involved a two-tier hierarchy of 5 main characteristics and 13 sub-characteristics of quality-in-use, with surveys conducted among industry professionals and instructors after preliminary investigations. Results showed that situational adaptability, effectiveness, and efficiency were prioritized in the main characteristics. In sub-characteristics, situational completeness, learning accuracy, and flexibility were top-ranked. Instructors emphasized the importance of risk mitigation, reflecting their concern for reducing private education costs and improving learning environments. Industry professionals prioritized completeness in chatbot outputs. These findings suggest that prioritizing instructor-valued features in subject-based learning chatbots can enhance their utility and effectiveness in educational settings. The study also highlights the potential for leveraging differences in quality evaluation priorities between industry professionals and instructors in developing learning chatbots



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