Numerical Simulation of Thermal Plume Flow and Fume Particle Dispersion in High-Precision Laser Machining Process

정밀 레이저 가공의 열플룸 유동에 따른 흄 분진입자 산포 특성 열유동해석 연구

  • Chanyeong Jeon (School of Mechanical System Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology) ;
  • Kyoungjin Kim (School of Mechanical System Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology)
  • 전찬영 (국립금오공과대학교 기계시스템공학부) ;
  • 김경진 (국립금오공과대학교 기계시스템공학부)
  • Received : 2024.09.05
  • Accepted : 2024.09.12
  • Published : 2024.09.30


In high-precision laser machining process in semiconductor and display device manufacturing, thermal plume may arise from high heating zone around laser application point and it may significantly affect the surface contamination by micron-sized fume dust particles in laser surface machining. The present numerical study investigates this thermal plume flow by employing three-dimensional large eddy simulations and also fume dust particle dispersion through particle tracing techniques. The numerical results show the laminar to turbulent transition characteristics of buoyant thermal plume and fume dust particles rising and falling on the machining surface. The influences of laser power on surface scattering of fume dust particles are closely examined for the dust particle size ranging from 10 to 90 ㎛.



이 연구는 금오공과대학교 대학 학술연구비로 지원되었다(2022-2023년도).


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