Automatic Display Defect Detection System Using Image Processing

영상 처리를 이용한 디스플레이 화질 결함 자동 검출시스템

  • Received : 2024.06.30
  • Accepted : 2024.09.11
  • Published : 2024.10.31


In this paper, we propose an automatic display defect detection system using image processing. The existing inspection by operators has the disadvantage that human errors may occur due to the operator's skill level, fatigue, etc., and that standardization and quantification are difficult. It also has disadvantages such as the limited inspection speed and the cost of the operator's education. The proposed system automatically detects various display defects through image processing algorithms. It was developed based on the Jetson Nano, one of the most popular SBCs (Single Board Computers), and it has a conveyor belt to automatically moves the display to the inspection position. By providing a human machine interface (HMI), the operator can check the inspection information in real time, and control the inspection flow. By storing the inspection results as a log file, the operator can check the inspection results at any time, such as the time taken to perform each algorithm and the location of the detected defects. In addition, a multi-threaded structure was adopted. The camera's operations and inspection algorithms are executed in parallel in different threads, which can shorten the inspection time compared to the system based on a single-threaded structure. The experimental results prove the defect detection capability of the system and the efficiency of the inspection time.



이 연구는 국립금오공과대학교 대학 연구과제비로 지원되었음 (2021).


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