A Study on the Safety Value Chain for Reinforcing the Safety of Pressure Vessels in Hydrogen Electric Vehicles

수소전기차 내압용기 안전성 강화를 위한 안전 벨류 체인 연구

  • 이준석 (한국교통안전공단 자동차검사본부) ;
  • 김영현 (한국교통안전공단 자동차검사본부) ;
  • 한성길 (한국교통안전공단 자동차검사본부) ;
  • 김호경 (한국교통안전공단 자동차검사본부) ;
  • 오태석 (한국교통안전공단 자동차검사본부)
  • Received : 2024.06.20
  • Accepted : 2024.08.07
  • Published : 2024.09.30


As the importance of eco-friendly carbon neutrality is emphasized around the world, hydrogen-electric vehicles are expected to grow rapidly, and as of July 2003, Korea has 32,500 hydrogen cars and 363 hydrogen vans. Hydrogen cars have the advantage of short charging time and long mileage. However, the safety issue of internal pressure-resistant tank is still one of the important challenges in this field. To improve this, the establishment of a safety value chain to strengthen safety is the key. In this study, a method of developing and applying a safety value chain was studied to reinforce the safety of hydrogen-resistant tank. This study is expected to contribute to the expansion of safe and reliable hydrogen supply by actively applying these safety strategies to the hydrogen electric vehicle industry.



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