Synergy of Coaching Leadership and ESG Management for Organizational Innovation in SMEs'

  • Sun-Hee NAM (Department of Coaching Sciences, Kyung Hee University Graduate School of Business) ;
  • Bum-Suk LEE (Department of Coaching Sciences, Kyung Hee University Graduate School of Business) ;
  • Young-Hun Kim (Department of Coaching Sciences, Kyung Hee University Graduate School of Business)
  • Received : 2024.10.14
  • Accepted : 2024.10.22
  • Published : 2024.10.30


In modern management, leadership has become an essential strategy rather than a choice, and interest in coaching leadership is increasing. Additionally, companies face inevitable tasks such as sustainable management and ESG management, which are crucial aspects of corporate social responsibility. This is a global phenomenon, and social value management activities play a significant role in evaluating the worth of modern companies. ESG management is assessed as a decisive indicator for investors' decision-making based on various global guidelines. ESG is an important issue not only for large corporations but also for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The government is actively expanding infrastructure and providing support to enable SMEs to lead ESG management among domestic companies. However, research on the ESG management of SMEs is still insufficient, and existing ESG studies have primarily focused on financial indicators. Therefore, the necessity for empirical studies involving various variables is emphasized. This study analyzed the impact of coaching leadership on organizational innovation behavior and performance in SMEs, mediated by ESG management. According to the analysis, coaching leadership positively influences organizational innovation behavior and performance by promoting ESG management in SMEs. The findings indicate that coaching leadership has a positive impact on organizational innovation behavior and performance, while persuasion and participation of internal members are essential for success. Moreover, this study provides practical and policy implications, offering specific strategies for SMEs to effectively implement ESG management and ensure sustainability, thereby supporting long-term growth.



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