이 논문은 2024년도 한화시스템(주)의 재원을 지원받아 수행된 연구임.
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- H.-G. Oh, P. Kang, J. Lee, H.-G. Rhee, Y.-S. Ghim, and J. H. Lee, "Fabrication of phase plate to simulate turbulence effects on an optical imaging system in strong atmospheric conditions," Curr. Opt. Photon. 8, 259-269 (2024).
- J. Y. Joo, S. G. Han, J. H. Lee, H.-G. Rhee, J. Huh, K. Lee, and S. Y. Park, "Development and characterization of an atmospheric turbulence simulator using two rotating phase plates," Curr. Opt. Photon. 6, 445-452 (2022).
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