Seismic response of operational tunnels to earthquakes with foreshocks or aftershocks

  • Junyoung Lee (Department of Urban and Environmental Engineering, UNIST) ;
  • Jae-Kwang Ahn (Earthquake and Volcano Bureau, Korea Meteorological Administration) ;
  • Byungmin Kim (Department of Urban and Environmental Engineering, UNIST)
  • 투고 : 2023.11.22
  • 심사 : 2024.02.24
  • 발행 : 2024.09.25


In designing earthquake-resistant structures, we traditionally select dynamic loads based on the recurrence period of earthquakes, using individual seismic records or aligning them with the design spectrum. However, these records often represent isolated waveforms lacking continuity, underscoring the need for a deeper understanding of natural seismic phenomena. The Earth's crustal movement, both before and after a significant earthquake, can trigger a series of both minor and major seismic events. These minor earthquakes, which often occur in short time before or after the major seismic events, prompt a critical reassessment of their potential impact on structural design. In this study, we conducted a detailed tunnel response analysis to assess the impact of both single mainshock and multiple earthquake scenarios (including foreshock-mainshock and mainshock-aftershock sequences). Utilizing numerical analysis, we explored how multiple earthquakes affect tunnel deformation. Our findings reveal that sequential seismic events, even those of moderate magnitude, can exert considerable stress on tunnel lining, resulting in heightened bending stress and permanent displacement. This research highlights a significant insight: current seismic design methodologies, which predominantly focus on the largest seismic intensity, may fail to account for the cumulative impact of smaller, yet frequent, seismic events like foreshocks and aftershocks. Our results demonstrate that dynamic analyses considering only a single mainshock are likely to underestimate the potential damage (i.e., ovaling deformation, failure lining, permanent displacement etc.) when compared to analyses that incorporate multiple earthquake scenarios.



The research described in this paper is financially supported by the Natural Science Foundation Korea Meteorological Administration (KMI2021-01910).


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