Effects of Strengthening Serratus Anterior Muscle with Pectoralis Minor Muscle Stretching and Lower Trapezius Muscle Strengthening Exercise on Scapular Alignment, Range of Motion and Muscle Imbalances in Subjects with Rounded Shoulder

작은가슴근 스트레칭, 아래등세모근 강화 운동과 함께 적용한 앞톱니근 강화운동이 둥근 어깨 대상자의 어깨뼈 정렬, 관절가동범위, 근육불균형에 미치는 영향

  • Jun-young Lim (Dept. of Physical Therapy, Nazareth Hospital Rehabilitation Center) ;
  • Jong-woo Kim (Dept. of Physical Therapy, Nazareth Hospital Rehabilitation Center)
  • 임준영 (나사렛종합병원 재활센터) ;
  • 김종우 (나사렛종합병원 재활센터)
  • Received : 2024.03.26
  • Accepted : 2024.05.01
  • Published : 2024.08.30


Background: This study aimed to determine the effects of pectoralis minor stretching, lower trapezius strengthening exercise with serratus anterior strengthening exercise to find an effective therapeutic exercise for alignment, shoulder range of motion, muscle imbalance of rounded shoulder patient. Methods: This study targeted on a total of 28 male subjects, aged 20s and 30s, and randomly divided the subjects into each group, with 14 subjects each. The experimental group performed pectoralis minor stretching, lower trapezius strengthening exercise, and serratus anterior strengthening exercise, while the control group performed pectoralis minor stretching and lower trapezius strengthening exercise. Results: both group showed an increase in active range of motion for shoulder flexion, a muscle activity of the serratus anterior muscle and the lower trapezius muscle, a decrease in muscle activity of the upper trapezius muscle, and a significant improvement in scapular alignment after the intervention. In the comparison between group, the experimental group showed greater increased shoulder joint flexion range of motion, serratus anterior muscle activity, and decreased upper trapezius muscle activity than the control group. Conclusion: Performing serratus anterior strengthening exercises with pectoralis minor stretching and lower trapezius strengthening exercises is effective for improving the active range of motion in shoulder joint flexion and muscle imbalance



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