Experimental Study on Film Boiling of CuO-Water Nanofluid Droplets

산화구리-순수 물 나노유체 액적의 막비등에 관한 실험적 연구

  • 김영찬 (안동대학교 스마트모빌리티공학과)
  • Received : 2024.07.11
  • Accepted : 2024.08.25
  • Published : 2024.09.30


An experimental study was conducted on the film boiling of nanofluid droplets at a surface temperature range of 300 to 500℃. The nanofluid was made by mixing pure water with copper oxide powder of diameter of 80 nm. The initial volume of the nanofluid droplet ranged from about 21 to 44 ㎕, and the volume, base diameter, and time were measured during the evaporation process. It was found that nanofluid droplets evaporate faster as the surface temperature increases. Also experimental results showed the droplets evaporate quickly at the beginning of evaporation, but as the volume of the droplets decreases, the evaporation rate gradually slows down, and this trend becomes stronger as the surface temperature increases. In addition, the evaporation rate of nanofluid droplets was slightly faster than that of pure water droplets, this was believed to be because the contact area of nanofluid droplets increased.



이 논문은 국립안동대학교 기본연구지원사업에 의하여 연구되었음.


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