Effects of microalloying element addition on mechanical properties of SA508 Gr.1A low-alloy steels

  • Se-mi Hyun (Korea University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering) ;
  • Min-Chul Kim (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Materials Safety Technology Research Division) ;
  • Seokmin Hong (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Materials Safety Technology Research Division) ;
  • Jongmin Kim (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Materials Safety Technology Research Division) ;
  • Seok Su Sohn (Korea University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering)
  • Received : 2023.11.28
  • Accepted : 2024.03.31
  • Published : 2024.09.25


SA508 Gr.1A low-alloy steel is being considered as a candidate material for main steam line piping in nuclear power plants. Therefore, improving its strength and toughness is essential for enhancing the leak-before-break (LBB) margin. In this study, six types of model alloys were fabricated by varying the contents of microalloying elements (C, Cu, B, Ti, and Nb) to enhance the mechanical properties of the specimens. The addition of a few ppm of B led to the formation of a fine-grained low-temperature transformation microstructure, resulting in the highest strength among the model alloys. However, the addition of Nb and Ti increased the formation of coarse ferrite, significantly decreasing the strength of the alloys. Reducing the C content while adding a small amount of B simultaneously maintained strength and enhanced toughness. Furthermore, the LBB margins of model alloys and commercial steel were evaluated to validate the influence of varying microalloying content. The model alloys exhibited a substantial increase in yield strength and fracture resistance, resulting in a more than 10% increase in the LBB margin. Notably, the LBB margin of the alloy with 15 ppm B was 1.39, approximately 25% higher than that of commercial steels.



This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (Ministry of Science and ICT) (No. RS-2022000144399).


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