Discrimination of dicentric chromosome from radiation exposure patient data using a pretrained deep learning model

  • Soon Woo Kwon (Lab of Biological Dosimetry, National Radiation Emergency Medical Center, Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences) ;
  • Won Il Jang (Radiation Oncology, Korea Cancer Center Hospital, Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences) ;
  • Mi-Sook Kim (Radiation Oncology, Korea Cancer Center Hospital, Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences) ;
  • Ki Moon Seong (Lab of Biological Dosimetry, National Radiation Emergency Medical Center, Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences) ;
  • Yang Hee Lee (Lab of Biological Dosimetry, National Radiation Emergency Medical Center, Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences) ;
  • Hyo Jin Yoon (Lab of Biological Dosimetry, National Radiation Emergency Medical Center, Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences) ;
  • Susan Yang (Lab of Biological Dosimetry, National Radiation Emergency Medical Center, Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences) ;
  • Younghyun Lee (Department of Biomedical Laboratory Science, College of Medical Sciences, Soonchunhyang University) ;
  • Hyung Jin Shim (Department of Nuclear Engineering, Seoul National University)
  • Received : 2023.07.27
  • Accepted : 2024.03.10
  • Published : 2024.08.25


The dicentric chromosome assay is a gold standard method to estimate radiation exposure by calculating the ratio of dicentric chromosomes existing in cells. The objective of this study was to propose an automatic dicentric chromosome discrimination method based on deep convolutional neural networks using radiation exposure patient data. From 45 patients with radiation exposure, conventional Giemsa-stained images of 116,258 normal and 2800 dicentric chromosomes were confirmed. ImageNet was used to pre-train VGG19, which was modified and fine-tuned. The proposed modified VGG19 demonstrated dicentric chromosome discrimination performance, with a true positive rate of 0.927, a true negative rate of 0.997, a positive predictive value of 0.882, a negative predictive value of 0.998, and an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.997.



This research was supported by the grant of the Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences, funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT (No. 50445-2024)


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