Study on the Dislocation Structure and Work Hardening of Single-crystal L12-Ni3Al Intermetallic Compounds Prepared by Bridgman Method

  • Chang-Suk Han (Department of ICT Automotive Engineering, Hoseo University) ;
  • Chang-Hwan Bae (Department of Information & Communication Engineering, Hoseo University)
  • 투고 : 2024.08.22
  • 심사 : 2024.09.19
  • 발행 : 2024.09.30


Slip lines and dislocation structures developed by deformation at 77 K, 292 K and 500 K have been investigated by an optical microscope and a high-voltage electron microscope. Slip patterns after the deformation by 4-5% at 77 K and 500 K are compared. From the slip line geometry, operation of both primary and secondary {111} slips have been confirmed. However, the primary slip lines formed at 77 K appear coarser and more pronounced than those at 500 K. This indicates that a larger number of dislocations have moved on the same plane at 77 K. Another characteristic difference noted here is that the slip lines are straight and pass through the specimen from one end to the other at 77 K. On the contrary, slip lines are rather faint at 500 K. The typical change found at 77 K is the increase in the [$0{\bar{1}}1$] dipole dislocations and generation of the [$10{\bar{1}}$] screw dipoles upon increase in the strain from 1.2% to 5.2%. This is the indication that the straight dipole dislocations were formed by a pinning effect due to jogs generated by mutual cutting between primary and secondary dislocations. Extremely fine slip has been noted after deformation at 500 K indicating that the usual Frank-Read source is not operative at high temperatures due to the strong KW locking.



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