Research on the characteristics of park use by preschoolers in Japan's diverse park development situation: Preschoolers' Park Use in Japan

  • Sungeun Cho (Department of Architecture and Interior, Faculty of Art and Design, Bunkagakuen University)
  • Received : 2024.04.03
  • Accepted : 2024.07.03
  • Published : 2024.09.30


This study aims to clarify the regional role, usage status, and evaluation of various outdoor destinations, such as parks and plazas. For preschoolers and their parents, who spend relatively limited time with their children, outdoor playgrounds such as parks are valuable places. This study discusses the characteristics of such places in each region. Forty five parents from Setagaya-ku, To-kyo, and Tama City were part of the study. The results were organized by region using photographs, positions, evaluations, and description information from the parks by the caption evaluation method to find the most effective placement of these areas.



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