Long-term shape sensing of bridge girders using automated ROI extraction of LiDAR point clouds

  • Ganesh Kolappan Geetha (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bhilai) ;
  • Sahyeon Lee (Digital Convergence Research Division, Korea Expressway Corporation Research Institute) ;
  • Junhwa Lee (Department of Civil Engineering, Pukyong National University) ;
  • Sung-Han Sim (Department of Global Smart City, Sungkyunkwan University)
  • Received : 2023.11.08
  • Accepted : 2024.07.22
  • Published : 2024.06.25


This study discusses the long-term deformation monitoring and shape sensing of bridge girder surfaces with an automated extraction scheme for point clouds in the Region Of Interest (ROI), invariant to the position of a Light Detection And Ranging system (LiDAR). Advanced smart construction necessitates continuous monitoring of the deformation and shape of bridge girders during the construction phase. An automated scheme is proposed for reconstructing geometric model of ROI in the presence of noisy non-stationary background. The proposed scheme involves (i) denoising irrelevant background point clouds using dimensions from the design model, (ii) extracting the outer boundaries of the bridge girder by transforming and processing the point cloud data in a two-dimensional image space, (iii) extracting topology of pre-defined targets using the modified Otsu method, (iv) registering the point clouds to a common reference frame or design coordinate using extracted predefined targets placed outside ROI, and (v) defining the bounding box in the point clouds using corresponding dimensional information of the bridge girder and abutments from the design model. The surface-fitted reconstructed geometric model in the ROI is superposed consistently over a long period to monitor bridge shape and derive deflection during the construction phase, which is highly correlated. The proposed scheme of combining 2D-3D with the design model overcomes the sensitivity of 3D point cloud registration to initial match, which often leads to a local extremum.



The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from a grant (NRF-2020R1A2C2014797) from the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), funded by the Ministry of Education and National R&D Project for Smart Construction Technology (RS-2020-KA156887) funded by the Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement under the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and managed by the Korea Expressway Corporation.


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