The Status Research on the Architectural Planning for Children's Specialized Public Medical Center of National University Affiliated Hospitals in Korea - Focused on the Independent Type with Ministry of Health and Welfare's Policy Support

한국 국립대학병원 내 어린이 공공전문진료센터의 건축계획을 위한 현황 연구 - 보건복지부 정책 지원 대상 독립형 어린이 공공전문진료센터 중심으로

  • 정태종 (건축학부 건축학전공, 단국대학교) ;
  • 김태윤 (공공의료사업지원팀, 국립중앙의료원)
  • Received : 2024.07.15
  • Accepted : 2024.08.26
  • Published : 2024.09.13


Purpose: The medical care for children in Korea is needed more than previous time as the situation changed. However, there is a few useful research for the planning of the children's specialized public medical center. This study has been started to provide basic information for the planning of Korean children's specialized public medical center. Methods: Research and architectural documentation with field surveys to 5 of 14 children's specialized public medical center, data have been analyzed for characteristics of children's medical care. Results: The result of this study can be summarized into three points. The first one is that children's medical care can be categorized independent and integrated type according to connection with main hospital. Independent type has vertical or horizontal form from spatial composition. The second one is that spatial composition are allocated by typical service, outpatient, central, and inpatient ward zones. The outpatient zone has horizontal/vertical type, central zone has concentrated/separated type by spatial and treatment situation of medical center. The third one is that children's hospital school is the specific program and healing environment for children. Implications: It is necessary to make typical model for national wide medical care for children in Korea.



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