본 연구는 2024년도 광주과학기술원 지원을 받아 수행되었음, 정부(과학기술정보통신부, 보건복 지부)의 재원으로 (재)범부처재생의료기술개발사업단의 지원을 받아 수행된 연구임(1711196545).
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- T.G. Cha, P.W. Yi, K.R. Lee, M.W. Moon, H.Y. Kim, Super water repellent surface strictly mimicking the surface structure of lotus leaf, The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers, (2009) 270-271.
- H.J. Shin, Y.S. Yang, C.Y. Hwang, Y.T. Yoo, A study on the surface treatment of dental implant using a fiber laser, Korean Society of Exercise Physiology, 28(8) (2011) 915-928.
- J.I. Lim, S.I. Kim, Y.M. Jung, S.H. Kim, Fabrication and medical applications o f lotus-leaf-like structured superhydrophobic surfaces, Polymer, 37 (2013) 411-419.
- C.J. Lee, H.K. Choi, I.B. Sohn, J.S. Ha, Laser micro-structuring of super-hydrophobic surface for lotus effect, Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering, 40 (2023) 291-299.
- I.H. Cho, J.H. Lee, J.H. Noh, S.W. Lee, A study on surface fabrication of super hydrophobic using picosecond laser, Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering, 29 (2012) 161-169.
- I.B. Sohn, H.K. Choi, Y.C. Noh, J.Y. Kim, Md. Shamim Ahsan, Laser assisted fabrication of micro-lens array and characterization of their beam shaping property, Applied Surface Science, 479 (2019) 375-385.
- H.K. Choi, Md. Shamim Ahsan, D.Y. Yoo, I.B. Sohn, Y.C. Noh, J.T. Kim, D. Jung, J.H. Kim, H.M. Kang, Formation of cylindrical micro-lens array on fused silica glass surface using CO2 laser assisted reshaping technique, Optics & Laser Technology, 75 (2015) 63-70.