Research Ethics within an Internet-based Research Setting: Current Literature Investigation

  • Eungoo KANG (Becamex School of Business, Eastern International University) ;
  • Hee-Joong HWANG (Department of International Trade, Korea National Open University)
  • 투고 : 2024.02.16
  • 심사 : 2024.09.15
  • 발행 : 2024.09.30


Purpose: The internet, as a tool, avenue, and field, has wide-researching and specific ethical concerns. Internet-based research ethics is a field that spreads across numerous fields, scoping from natural and biomedical sciences to social sciences, and arts and humanities. Thus, this study which investigates research ethics within an Internet-based Research Setting will be quite valuable. Research design, data and methodology: The current authors widely took a look at prior and present literature dataset to explore research ethics within an Internet-based setting. Using numerous search engine, such as 'Goole Scholar', 'Scopus', and 'Web of Science', the current authors could obtain total 42 prior studies that are relevant with our research topic. Results: Based on the screening process in the literature datasets, this study could categorize four areas of the research ethics within Internet-based research setting as follows: (1) Human Subjects Ethics, (2) Big Data Ethical Issues, (3) Research Ethics and Cloud, and (4) Computing Interviews and Surveys Ethics. Conclusions: This study concludes that although internet-based research has many benefits, the accompanying ethical issues are many. The lack of uniformity in the concept and terminology of online research methods typically brings forth confusion and makes it hard for new researchers to develop mutual guidelines.



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