The Influence of YouTube "Mukbang" Content Characteristics on Viewers' Satisfaction and Word-of-Mouth Intentions

  • Jeong Sun LEE (Funeral Industry Major, Eulji University) ;
  • Seunghyeon LEE (Dept. of Food Science and Service, College of Bio-Convergence, Eulji University) ;
  • Seong Soo CHA (Food Biotechnology Major, Eulji University)
  • 투고 : 2024.07.19
  • 심사 : 2024.09.24
  • 발행 : 2024.09.30


Purpose: This study examines the impact of YouTube mukbang content characteristics on viewer satisfaction and word-of-mouth behavior. Drawing from theories in media psychology, consumer behavior, and communication studies, we investigate five key content characteristics: credibility, entertainment value, informativeness, visual appeal, and auditory quality. Research design, data and methodology: Using structural equation modeling with data from 206 mukbang viewers, we test hypothesized relationships between these characteristics, viewer satisfaction, and word-of-mouth behavior. Results: Research reveal that credibility and informativeness significantly and positively influence viewer satisfaction, while entertainment value, visual appeal, and auditory quality show no significant effect. Viewer satisfaction positively impacts word-of-mouth behavior. These findings challenge conventional assumptions about video content consumption and highlight the unique nature of mukbang viewing. Conclusions: The study contributes to digital content consumption literature by providing empirical evidence of factors influencing viewer engagement in the mukbang context. It offers practical insights for content creators, marketers, and platform developers, emphasizing the importance of informative and credible content in driving viewer satisfaction and promoting positive word-of-mouth. By extending established media theories to this emerging form of digital entertainment, our research paves the way for future studies. The study's limitations, including its cross-sectional nature and specific cultural context, suggest directions for future research.



This work was supported by the research grant of the KODISA Scholarship Foundation in 2024.


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