Wind turbulence characteristics over an industrial landscape in neutral atmospheric conditions

  • Petr Michalek (Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, The Czech Academy of Sciences) ;
  • Stanislav Pospisil (Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, The Czech Academy of Sciences) ;
  • Pavel Sedlak (Institute of Atmospheric Physics, The Czech Academy of Sciences)
  • Received : 2023.12.13
  • Accepted : 2024.04.28
  • Published : 2024.08.25


The atmospheric turbulence characteristics measured at a meteorological station in northwest part of the Czech Republic are presented for selected time periods in the year 2017. The terrain of this region is influenced by surface coal mining and the related industry. The datasets used in this study were measured using four ultrasonic anemometers installed on an 80 m high meteorological mast at heights of 20, 40, 60 and 80 m, respective. From the primary high-frequency datasets, time intervals in order of hours were selected and integral turbulence characteristics (ITCs), turbulence intensities and turbulence spectra were analyzed. The time intervals were selected with respect to atmospheric stability parameter, known as Obukhov number. We concentrated on the days with higher wind velocity and neutral atmospheric stratification. The wind characteristics investigated in this study include the wind speed, wind direction and its histograms, turbulence intensity, friction velocity and wind power spectra. The ITCs and spectral characteristics were compared with the theoretical models and values from the literature. The resulting ITCs showed the values for urban locations similar to those found in other studies and can be used in practical design. The computed turbulence spectra followed the shape of theoretical spectra of turbulence for both horizontal and vertical velocity components. The computed integral length scales have shown to be unsuitable for further use due to their highly scattered values.



This work was supported by the Strategy AV21 project "City as Lab of Changes", financed by the Czech Academy of Sciences. The authors thank Petr Pesice from IAP CAS for the data processing by the TK3 tool.


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