Efficient Recognition of Easily-confused Chinese Herbal Slices Images Using Enhanced ResNeSt

  • Qi Zhang (School of Medical Information and Engineering, Guangdong Pharmaceutical University) ;
  • Jinfeng Ou (School of Medical Information and Engineering, Guangdong Pharmaceutical University) ;
  • Huaying Zhou (School of Medical Information and Engineering, Guangdong Pharmaceutical University)
  • Received : 2024.02.14
  • Accepted : 2024.07.11
  • Published : 2024.08.31


Chinese herbal slices (CHS) automated recognition based on computer vision plays a critical role in the practical application of intelligent Chinese medicine. Due to the complexity and similarity of herbal images, identifying Chinese herbal slices is still a challenging task. Especially, easily-confused CHS have higher inter-class and intra-class complexity and similarity issues, the existing deep learning models are less adaptable to identify them efficiently. To comprehensively address these problems, a novel tiny easily-confused CHS dataset has been built firstly, which includes six pairs of twelve categories with about 2395 samples. Furthermore, we propose a ResNeSt-CHS model that combines multilevel perception fusion (MPF) and perceptive sparse fusion (PSF) blocks for efficiently recognizing easilyconfused CHS images. To verify the superiority of the ResNeSt-CHS and the effectiveness of our dataset, experiments have been employed, validating that the ResNeSt-CHS is optimal for easily-confused CHS recognition, with 2.1% improvement of the original ResNeSt model. Additionally, the results indicate that ResNeSt-CHS is applied on a relatively small-scale dataset yet high accuracy. This model has obtained state-of-the-art easily-confused CHS classification performance, with accuracy of 90.8%, far beyond other models (EfficientNet, Transformer, and ResNeSt, etc) in terms of evaluation criteria.



This work is supported by Guangdong Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China (No.20221221 and No.20231221); the College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program of Guangdong Province (No. 202310573014) and Special Fund for Science and Technology Innovation Strategy of Guangdong Province ("Climbing Program")(No. pdjh2023b0273).


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