Sustainable Anti-Consumption of Household Products: A Nepalese Context

  • Ava Shrestha (Lincoln University College)
  • Received : 2024.06.18
  • Accepted : 2024.08.05
  • Published : 2024.08.30


Sustainable consumption is the consumer's preference for the products that are environmentally friendly however, non-consumption also plays a major role in sustainability. A counter movement of anti-consumption runs from the beginning of mass-consumption of societies. Consumers can choose not to consume products/brands that can cause a harm to the environment or are incompatible with their ideology on conservation. The underlying notion of these non-consumption practices or anti-consumption is that the consumer is concerned about the effects that a purchasing choice has, not only on themselves but also on the external world. Anti-consumption is a resistance to, distaste of or even resentment of consumption. There is low adaptation rate of green consumption in terms of household products which shows that the non-green consumers reflect the mainstream population and indicates that consumers following anti-consumption is a niche segment reflecting the need of research in this area. So it is consequential to explore the available literatures regarding the subject matter and conduct a quantitative study. Following the notion this paper aims analyzing the factors influencing the anti-consumption behavior of household products in Nepalese context.



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