Multi-dimensional Contextual Conditions-driven Mutually Exclusive Learning for Explainable AI in Decision-Making

  • Hyun Jung Lee (Dept. of Economic Research, Goyang City Institute)
  • 투고 : 2024.01.31
  • 심사 : 2024.07.28
  • 발행 : 2024.08.31


There are various machine learning techniques such as Reinforcement Learning, Deep Learning, Neural Network Learning, and so on. In recent, Large Language Models (LLMs) are popularly used for Generative AI based on Reinforcement Learning. It makes decisions with the most optimal rewards through the fine tuning process in a particular situation. Unfortunately, LLMs can not provide any explanation for how they reach the goal because the training is based on learning of black-box AI. Reinforcement Learning as black-box AI is based on graph-evolving structure for deriving enhanced solution through adjustment by human feedback or reinforced data. In this research, for mutually exclusive decision-making, Mutually Exclusive Learning (MEL) is proposed to provide explanations of the chosen goals that are achieved by a decision on both ends with specified conditions. In MEL, decision-making process is based on the tree-based structure that can provide processes of pruning branches that are used as explanations of how to achieve the goals. The goal can be reached by trade-off among mutually exclusive alternatives according to the specific contextual conditions. Therefore, the tree-based structure is adopted to provide feasible solutions with the explanations based on the pruning branches. The sequence of pruning processes can be used to provide the explanations of the inferences and ways to reach the goals, as Explainable AI (XAI). The learning process is based on the pruning branches according to the multi-dimensional contextual conditions. To deep-dive the search, they are composed of time window to determine the temporal perspective, depth of phases for lookahead and decision criteria to prune branches. The goal depends on the policy of the pruning branches, which can be dynamically changed by configured situation with the specific multi-dimensional contextual conditions at a particular moment. The explanation is represented by the chosen episode among the decision alternatives according to configured situations. In this research, MEL adopts the tree-based learning model to provide explanation for the goal derived with specific conditions. Therefore, as an example of mutually exclusive problems, employment process is proposed to demonstrate the decision-making process of how to reach the goal and explanation by the pruning branches. Finally, further study is discussed to verify the effectiveness of MEL with experiments.



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