An evaluation of the effects of dietary copper sulphate level on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, organ weight, and excreta score in Ross308-Broilers

  • Sumaya Tanzin Wahid (Department of Animal Resource and Science, Dankook University) ;
  • Sarbani Biswas (Department of Animal Resource and Science, Dankook University) ;
  • In Ho Kim (Department of Animal Resource and Science, Dankook University)
  • Received : 2024.01.10
  • Accepted : 2024.03.31
  • Published : 2024.06.01


Copper sulphate (CuSO4) level was analyzed in this study to determine the effects on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, organ weight, and excreta score in Ross308-broilers. A total of 1,134 mixed sex, 1-d old Ross-308 chicks were randomly allocated to one of three treatment groups with 21 replication and 18 chicks / cage. For a period of 32 days, chicks were fed with the following treatment groups: CON: Basal diet, TRT1: 0.032% CuSO4, TRT2: 0.047% CuSO4 (Phase 1), 0.032% CuSO4 (Phase 2), 0.025% CuSO4 (Phase 3). The experiment was divided into three phases. Phase 1 (day 1 to 9), phase 2 (day 9 to 21), and phase 3 (day 21 to 32). During days 1 to 9, broilers receiving 0.032% or 0.047% of CuSO4 in TRT1 and TRT2, respectively, had significantly higher body weight gain (BWG) (p = 0.042) than CON. Likewise, comparing TRT1 and TRT2 to CON during days 10 to 21, 0.032% of CuSO4 significantly increased BWG (p = 0.013) and feed intake (FI), (p = 0.024) in the broiler. When compared to TRT1, the administration of 0.032% and 0.025% of CuSO4 during days 22 to 32 reduced BWG and FI in CON and TRT2, respectively among the treatment groups. Throughout the experiment, the feed conversion ratio (FCR) did not change. However, the nutrient digestibility, weight of organs, and the score of excreta remained unchanged. The study found that CuSO4 administration increased broiler BWG and FI without affecting FCR, nutrients digestibility, weight of organs, and excreta score.



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