Exposure to ethylene thiourea degrades the sperm ability of mammals

  • Received : 2024.02.07
  • Accepted : 2024.03.22
  • Published : 2024.06.01


Mancozeb is a manganese and zinc-containing fungicide that belongs to the ethylene bisdithiocarbamate group and produces ethylene thiourea (ETU) after biotransformation or environmental degradation, which has toxicological hazard owing to its known antithyroid properties. Although mancozeb leads to negative changes in fertility capacity, the effects of ETU are less known. Therefore, this study examined the alteration of fertilization competence in boar spermatozoa exposed to ETU. The sperm motility, motion kinematics, viability, acrosome integrity, chromatin stability, and intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) production of sperm subjected to various ETU concentrations (10, 50, 100, and 200 µM) were evaluated after two different incubation times (30 min and 2 hrs). In addition, the relative mRNA expression of the sperm functional proteins was analyzed after exposure to ETU. A dose-dependent motility reduction was observed in sperm exposed to ETU during both incubation periods compared to the controls. The motion kinematics were reduced significantly in sperm incubated with ETU. Higher percentages of viable sperm were observed in the controls, while such viability was decreased significantly in sperm with 10 - 200 µM ETU. The acrosome integrity was particularly damaged on sperm incubated with 10 - 200 µM ETU for 30 min. Higher intracellular ROS levels were produced in sperm exposed to 200 µM ETU. In addition, lower relative levels of AKAP3, AKAP4, ODF2, and ZPBP2 expression were observed in sperm exposed to ETU compared to the controls. Mancozeb and ETU could adversely affect the reproductive functions of mammals. Hence, the effects of ETU on the reproductive system should be examined further.



This work was supported by a Research Promotion Program of SCNU.


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