Obstacle Detection and Safe Landing Site Selection for Delivery Drones at Delivery Destinations without Prior Information

사전 정보가 없는 배송지에서 장애물 탐지 및 배송 드론의 안전 착륙 지점 선정 기법

  • 서민철 (세명대학교 정보통신학부) ;
  • 한상익 (세명대학교 스마트IT학부)
  • Received : 2024.04.01
  • Accepted : 2024.04.16
  • Published : 2024.06.30


The delivery using drones has been attracting attention because it can innovatively reduce the delivery time from the time of order to completion of delivery compared to the current delivery system, and there have been pilot projects conducted for safe drone delivery. However, the current drone delivery system has the disadvantage of limiting the operational efficiency offered by fully autonomous delivery drones in that drones mainly deliver goods to pre-set landing sites or delivery bases, and the final delivery is still made by humans. In this paper, to overcome these limitations, we propose obstacle detection and landing site selection algorithm based on a vision sensor that enables safe drone landing at the delivery location of the product orderer, and experimentally prove the possibility of station-to-door delivery. The proposed algorithm forms a 3D map of point cloud based on simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) technology and presents a grid segmentation technique, allowing drones to stably find a landing site even in places without prior information. We aims to verify the performance of the proposed algorithm through streaming data received from the drone.



본 연구는 2023년도 중소기업벤처부의 기술개발사업 지원에 의한 연구임[RS-2023-00257036].


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