Biomechanical Variances in the Development of Forward Head Posture

  • Yasemin Deniz (Department of Physical Therapy, College of Health Science, Sun Moon University) ;
  • Esra Pehlivan (Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Hamidiye Health Sciences, University of Health Sciences) ;
  • Eda Cicek (Department of Arts and Physical Education, Healthy and Exercise Science, Inha University)
  • Received : 2024.04.23
  • Accepted : 2024.06.13
  • Published : 2024.08.20


Forward Head Posture (FHP) involves the anterior positioning of the head relative to the shoulders, often associated with muscular imbalances. It is known that individuals with FHP experience shortening of craniocervical extensors and cervical flexors. However, contrary to the understanding of flexion in the craniocervical extension subaxial region, a study has reported flexion in the craniovertebral spinal vertebrae among individuals with FHP. The aim of this study was to examine the consistency of biomechanical study results conducted for FHP. The relevant studies were investigated in PubMed and Google Scholar databases using the keywords "forward head posture OR cervical sagittal alignment OR cervical spine AND biomechanics OR kinetic analysis OR kinematic analysis." During the research selection process, only nine studies relevant to the purpose of our study were identified. Out of these nine studies, four conducted kinematic analysis related to FHP formation, while six conducted kinetic analysis. During the comparison of these studies, five inconsistencies were identified. Biomechanical studies on FHP reveal conflicting findings, suggesting potential variability in the biomechanics of FHP formation across individuals. However, drawing definitive conclusions requires further exploration through additional biomechanical investigations on FHP in the future.



YD would like to express her appreciation for the financial support of the Ministry of Education, which made it possible to obtain a master's degree through the Korean Government Scholarship Program.


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