Do We Really Need More Medical Schools or Doctors in Korea?

과연 의과대학 증원이 필요한가?

  • Seog-Kyun Mun (Research Institute for Healthcare Policy, Korean Medical Association)
  • 문석균 (대한의사협회 의료정책연구원)
  • Received : 2023.12.26
  • Accepted : 2024.01.27
  • Published : 2024.02.01


Recently, several social issues have raised public concerns about a deficiency of doctors. The government says it will solve the problem by increasing the number of doctors, saying essential medical service is collapsing. However, the medical community argues that there is a fundamental problem with Korea's health care delivery system. The government needs to take advice from the medical community to make policies in the right direction. And the press should no longer provide the public with misinformation that doctors and the public are opposed to. In this article, I would like to mention problems among current medical services and suggest healthcare policies for them.



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