Research on Methods to Increase Recognition Rate of Korean Sign Language using Deep Learning

  • So-Young Kwon (Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electronic Engineering) ;
  • Yong-Hwan Lee (Kumoh National Institute of Technology, School of Electronic Engineering)
  • 투고 : 2024.01.23
  • 심사 : 2024.02.16
  • 발행 : 2024.02.28


Deaf people who use sign language as their first language sometimes have difficulty communicating because they do not know spoken Korean. Deaf people are also members of society, so we must support to create a society where everyone can live together. In this paper, we present a method to increase the recognition rate of Korean sign language using a CNN model. When the original image was used as input to the CNN model, the accuracy was 0.96, and when the image corresponding to the skin area in the YCbCr color space was used as input, the accuracy was 0.72. It was confirmed that inserting the original image itself would lead to better results. In other studies, the accuracy of the combined Conv1d and LSTM model was 0.92, and the accuracy of the AlexNet model was 0.92. The CNN model proposed in this paper is 0.96 and is proven to be helpful in recognizing Korean sign language.



This research was supported by Kumoh National Institute of Technology(2022~2023).


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