Understanding the Acceptance of Mobile Food Ordering Applications: Role of Confidence in Food Safety Measures

  • Yaou Hu (Jinan University) ;
  • Hyounae (Kelly) Min (The Collins College of Hospitality Management,California State Polytechnic University) ;
  • Saehya Ann (Department of Hospitality, Recreation and Tourism, California State University)
  • Received : 2024.03.22
  • Accepted : 2024.07.01
  • Published : 2024.06.30


This study examines the factors influencing the use of mobile food ordering applications and their impact on consumption behavior amidst recent societal changes. It re-evaluates the relevance of factors from the UTAUT2 theory in predicting customers' behavioral intentions. Additionally, the study explores the moderating effect of confidence in food safety measures (CFSM). Quantitative research methods are employed. A structured questionnaire that measures the psychological factors, behavioral intention, and actual usage of mobile food ordering applications was used to collect customer data. Regression and moderation analyses are conducted to test the hypotheses and examine the moderating role of CFSM. The findings reveal that performance expectation, effort expectation, and habit significantly predict customers' intention to use mobile food ordering applications. Moreover, for customers with high CFSM, social influence, facilitating conditions, and hedonic motivation add additional contributions to their behavioral intention. This study extends the UTAUT2 theory by applying it to mobile food ordering applications and examining the influence of CFSM. It identifies the specific factors that drive customers' intention to use these applications and highlights the importance of CFSM as a moderating factor. The findings offer theoretical insights and practical implications for researchers and practitioners in the mobile food ordering industry.



This research was supported by the National Social Science Fund of China [grant number, 22CJY045].


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