Enhancement of FeCrAl-ODS steels through optimised SPS parameters and addition of novel nano-oxide formers

  • A. Meza (Dpt. Materials Science and Engineering, IAAB, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M)) ;
  • E. Macia (Dpt. Materials Science and Engineering, IAAB, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M)) ;
  • M. Serrano (Structural Materials Division, Technology Department, CIEMAT) ;
  • C. Merten (Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials IFAM) ;
  • U. Gaitzsch (Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials IFAM) ;
  • T. Weissgarber (Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials IFAM) ;
  • M. Campos (Dpt. Materials Science and Engineering, IAAB, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M))
  • Received : 2023.09.18
  • Accepted : 2024.02.07
  • Published : 2024.07.25


A novel approach to incorporating oxide formers into ferritic ODS production has been developed using the co-precipitation technique. This method enables the tailored design of complex nano-oxides, integrated during Mechanical Alloying (MA) and precipitated during Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) consolidation. Findings illustrate that co-precipitation effectively produces nano-powders with customised compositions, enriching Y, Ti, and Zr in the ferritic grade to condition subsequent oxide precipitation. While the addition of Y-Ti-Zr-O nano-oxides did not prevent the formation of Y-Al-O and Al-containing nano-oxides, these were refined thanks to the presence of well-dispersed Zr. Additionally, the Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) parameters were optimised to tailor the bimodal grain size distribution of the ODS steels, aiming for favourable strength-to-ductility ratios. Comprehensive microstructural analyses were performed using SEM, EDS, EBSD, and TEM techniques, alongside mechanical assessments involving microtensile tests conducted at room temperature and small punch tests carried out at room temperature, 300 ℃, and 500 ℃. The outcomes yielded promising findings, showcasing similar or better performance with conventionally manufactured ODS steels. This reinforces the effectiveness and success of this innovative approach.



The research leading to these results has received funding from Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under project MAT2013-47460-C5-5-P and MAT2016-80875-C3-3-R. Daniel Plaza Lopez is sincerely thanked for his help with the Small Punch tests.


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