Contemporary Interpretation of Traditional Farming Practices Described in 18C Literature 'Sallimgyeongje (山林經濟)'

18세기 『산림경제(山林經濟)』에 나타난 고전 농법의 재해석

  • Woohyun Tak (Hankuk Academy of Foreign Studies) ;
  • Sumi Cho (Liberal Arts College, Pusan National University)
  • 탁우현 (용인한국외국어대학교 부설고등학교) ;
  • 조수미 (부산대학교 교양교육원)
  • Received : 2024.04.12
  • Accepted : 2024.06.20
  • Published : 2024.06.30


This study aims to explore a biological interpretation of farming practices mentioned in 'Sallimgyeongje(山林經濟)', an agricultural literature published in late 18C, in order to substantiate its scientific practicality and suggest the sustainable direction of modern agriculture. First, the research revealed that weeds and pests were effectively controlled by interspecies interactions such as allelopathy, mutualism, and interplanting. Second, qualified seeds were selected without dependence on chemical treatments by using specific gravity and cold water immersion. Third, the literature proposed plowing methods based on the properties of the soil, which implicated an establishment of healthy landscape mosaic by imitating the succession and introducing the moderate disturbance. Fourth, the genotypes of 37 native rice varieties were speculated based on six phenotype standards, and some of them are expected to have high nutritional value and abiotic stress resistance.



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