Morphological Description of Three Anaerobic Ciliates Unrecorded in Korea

  • 투고 : 2024.05.16
  • 심사 : 2024.07.28
  • 발행 : 2024.07.31


During the surveys of ciliates from hypoxic habitats, three marine anaerobic species were found: Metopus spiculatus, M. vestitus, and Muranothrix felix. These species have not been previously recorded in South Korea and belong to the taxonomic classes Armophorea and Muranotrichea. The morphology of these species was examined by both microscopic observations of live specimens, and stained cells using protargol impregnations. Metopus spiculatus has the following characteristics: body size 80-110×25-35 ㎛ in vivo, beak-like structure at the end of preoral dome, ectosymbiotic bacteria covering cell surface, intracytoplasmic needle-shaped structures and the conspicuous tail end. Metopus vestitus has the following distinguishing characteristics: body size 95-130×25-45 ㎛ in vivo, a cone-shaped body, a covering of ectosymbiotic bacteria on its cell surface, intracytoplasmic needleshaped structures, somatic kineties arranged in 26-28 longitudinal rows, and a posterior part tapered into a tail. Muranothrix felix has the following characteristics: body size 100-130×20-30 ㎛ in vivo, elongated body with twisted neck region, bristle-like cilia protruding perpendicular to the cell margin, ectosymbiotic bacteria covering the cell surface, about 10 macronuclear nodules, and a long, stiffened caudal cilium.



This work was supported by grants from the Honam National Institute of Biological Resources (HNIBR 202101111), and the National Research Foundation of Korea funded by the Ministry of Education (NRF- 2021R1I1A2048744).


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