An enhanced analytical calculation model based on sectional calculation using a 3D contour map of aerodynamic damping for vortex induced vibrations of wind turbine towers

  • 투고 : 2023.12.08
  • 심사 : 2024.03.05
  • 발행 : 2024.06.25


To model the aeroelasticity in vortex-induced vibrations (VIV) of slender tubular towers, this paper presents an approach where the aerodynamic damping distribution along the height of the structure is calculated not only as a function of the normalized lateral oscillation but also considering the local incoming wind velocity ratio to the critical velocity (velocity ratio). The three-dimensionality of aerodynamic damping depending on the tower's displacement and the velocity ratio has been observed in recent studies. A contour map model of aerodynamic damping is generated based on the forced vibration tests. A sectional calculation procedure based on the spectral method is developed by defining the aerodynamic damping locally at each increment of height. The proposed contour map model of aerodynamic damping and the sectional calculation procedure are validated with full-scale measurement data sets of a rotorless wind turbine tower, where good agreement between the prediction and measured values is obtained. The prediction of cross-wind response of the wind turbine tower is performed over a range of wind speeds which allows the estimation of resulting fatigue damage. The proposed model gives more realistic prediction in comparison to the approach included in current standards.



The authors would like to thank Andrei Metrikine, Hayo Hendrikse and Pim van der Male from Delft University of Technology for supervising the MSc Thesis of the first author, which led to this publication. Additionally, the authors would like to thank Prof. Hans-Jurgen Niemann for his advice on the handling of the full-scale measurement data. The authors are also grateful for the support of CICIND (International Committee for Industrial Construction) for the support through the research project "Reynolds number disparity and its effect on vortex excitation - Insight from full-scale tests at wind turbine towers" and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) for the support through the projects Nr. 493357786.


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