Early Clinical Outcomes of Thoracoscopic Major Pulmonary Resection and Thymectomy Using Novel Articulating Endoscopic Forceps

  • Sangil Yun (Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul National University College of Medicine) ;
  • You Jung Ok (Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Seoul Metropolitan Government-Seoul National University Boramae Medical Center, Seoul National University College of Medicine) ;
  • Se Jin Oh (Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Seoul Metropolitan Government-Seoul National University Boramae Medical Center, Seoul National University College of Medicine) ;
  • Jae-Sung Choi (Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Seoul Metropolitan Government-Seoul National University Boramae Medical Center, Seoul National University College of Medicine) ;
  • Hyeon Jong Moon (Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Seoul Metropolitan Government-Seoul National University Boramae Medical Center, Seoul National University College of Medicine) ;
  • Yong Won Seong (Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Seoul Metropolitan Government-Seoul National University Boramae Medical Center, Seoul National University College of Medicine)
  • Received : 2023.11.13
  • Accepted : 2024.01.15
  • Published : 2024.07.05


Background: Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) is recognized as a safe and effective treatment modality for early-stage lung cancer and anterior mediastinal masses. Recently, novel articulating instruments have been developed and introduced to endoscopic surgery. Here, we share our early experiences with VATS major pulmonary resection and thymectomy performed using ArtiSential articulating instruments. Methods: At the Seoul Metropolitan Government-Seoul National University Boramae Medical Center, 500 patients underwent VATS pulmonary resection between July 2020 and April 2023, while 43 patients underwent VATS thymectomy between January 2020 and April 2023. After exclusion, 224 patients were enrolled for VATS major pulmonary resection, and 38 were enrolled for VATS thymectomy. ArtiSential forceps were utilized in 35 of the 224 patients undergoing pulmonary resection and in 12 of the 38 individuals undergoing thymectomy. Early clinical outcomes were retrospectively analyzed. Results: No significant differences were observed in sex, age, surgical approach, operation time, histological diagnosis, or additional procedures between the patients who underwent surgery using novel articulating instruments and the group treated with conventional endoscopic instruments for both VATS major pulmonary resection and thymectomy. However, the use of the novel articulating endoscopic forceps was associated with a significantly larger number of dissected lymph nodes (p=0.028) and lower estimated blood loss (p=0.009) in VATS major pulmonary resection. Conclusion: Major pulmonary resection and thymectomy via VATS using ArtiSential forceps were found to be safe and effective, with early clinical outcomes comparable to established methods. Further research into long-term clinical outcomes and cost-effectiveness is warranted.



This research received support in the form of a grant for the multi-institutional evaluation project for new domestically produced medical devices, in connection with the Korean Medical Society. The funding was provided by the Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI), under the auspices of the Ministry of Health & Welfare, Republic of Korea.


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