Multi-Layered Shell Model and Seismic Limit States of a Containment Building in Nuclear Power Plant Considering Deterioration and Voids

열화 및 공극을 고려한 원전 격납건물의 다층쉘요소모델과 내진성능 한계상태

  • Nam, Hyeonung (Department of Civil Engineering, Kookmin University) ;
  • Hong, Kee-Jeung (Department of Civil Engineering, Kookmin University)
  • 남현웅 (국민대학교 건설시스템공학부) ;
  • 홍기증 (국민대학교 건설시스템공학부)
  • Received : 2024.05.30
  • Accepted : 2024.06.10
  • Published : 2024.07.01


For the OPR1000, a standard power plant in Korea, an analytical model of the containment building considering voids and deterioration was built with multilayer shell elements. Voids were placed in the vulnerable parts of the analysis model, and the deterioration effects of concrete and rebar were reflected in the material model. To check the impact of voids and deterioration on the seismic performance of the containment building, iterative push-over analysis was performed on four cases of the analytical model with and without voids and deterioration. It was found that the effect of voids with a volume ratio of 0.6% on the seismic performance of the containment building was insignificant. The effect of strength reduction and cross-sectional area loss of reinforcement due to deterioration and the impact of strength increase of concrete due to long-term hardening offset each other, resulting in a slight increase in the lateral resistance of the containment building. To determine the limit state that adequately represents the seismic performance of the containment building considering voids and deterioration, the Ogaki shear strength equation, ASCE 43-05 low shear wall allowable lateral displacement ratio, and JEAC 4601 shear strain limit were compared and examined with the analytically derived failure point (ultimate point) in this study.



본 연구는 국토교통부/국토교통과학기술진흥원의 지원으로 수행되었음(과제번호 22RMPP-C163162-02).


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