Emendation of Rhodomonas marina (Cryptophyceae): insights from morphology, molecular phylogeny and water-soluble pigment in an Arctic isolate

  • Niels Daugbjerg (Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen) ;
  • Cecilie B. Devantier (Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen)
  • 투고 : 2024.02.19
  • 심사 : 2024.06.13
  • 발행 : 2024.06.19


Rhodomonas (Cryptophyceae) and species assigned to this genus have undergone numerous taxonomic revisions. This also applies to R. marina studied here as it was originally assigned as a species of Cryptomonas and later considered a variation of R. baltica, the type species. Despite being described more than 130 years ago, R. marina still lacks a comprehensive characterization. Light and electron microscopy were employed to delineate a strain from western Greenland. The living cells were 18 ㎛ long and 9 ㎛ wide, elliptical in shape with a pointed to rounded posterior and truncated anterior in lateral view. Two sub-equal flagella emerged from a vestibulum, where also a furrow extended. In transmission electron microscopy, the furrow was associated with a tubular gullet and the pyrenoid embedded in a deeply lobed chloroplast. The chloroplast contained DNA in perforations and was surrounded by starch grains. A tubular nucleomorph was enclosed within the pyrenoid matrix. In scanning electron microscopy, the inner periplast consisted of rectangular plates with rounded edges and posteriorly these were replaced by a sheet-like structure. The water-soluble pigment was Crypto-Phycoerythrin type I (Cr-PE 545). A phylogenetic inference based on SSU rDNA confirmed the identity of strain S18 as a species of Rhodomonas as it clustered with congeners but also Rhinomonas, Storeatula, and Pyrenomonas. These genera formed a monophyletic clade separated from a diverse assemblage of other cryptophyte genera. To further explore the phylogeny of R. marina a concatenated phylogenetic analysis based on the SSU rDNA-ITS1-5.8S rDNA-ITS2-LSU rDNA region was performed but included only closely related species. The secondary structure of nuclear internal transcribed spacer 2 was predicted and compared to similar structures in related species. Using morphological and molecular signatures as diagnostic features the description of R. marina was emended.



We thank Ojvind Moestrup for help with the TEM fixation and access to his library on microalgae. Lis Munk Frederiksen is thanked for thin sectioning of the material. ND thanks Carlsbergfondet (2012-01-0509, 2013-01-0259) and Brodrene Hartmanns Fond (A22920) for equipment grants. We thank two anonymous reviewers for their comments on an earlier version of the manuscript.


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